On May 23rd: Arnstein Aassve and Elsa Fornero discuss policy strategies towards healthy ageing

Pen and calendar

At #SOU24 in Florence, Futures Head of Research Arnstein Aassve and FutuRes advisory board member Elsa Fornero will speak on a panel on demographic policy. They will discuss policy strategies of promoting active and healthy aging and sustaining welfare systems, among others.

Date: May 23rd, 15.45, "State of the Union 2024", Florence

Opening: Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President for Democracy and Demography,
European Commission (Confirmed)
Moderators: Alexander Monge-Naranjo, Head of Department, Department of
Economics, EUI; Edoardo Frattola, Economist, Bank of Italy and Researcher,
Economics, EUI
Speakers: Arnstein Aassve, Professor of Demography, Bocconi University; Elsa Fornero, Professor of Political Economics, University of Turin; Franca van Hooren, Professor of Political Science, University of Amsterdam